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Welcome to Lender’s Foreclosure Services

    Lender’s Foreclosure Services specializes in non-judicial foreclosure and related services in California since 1991. After nearly 30 years, we have accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience in foreclosing loans secured by properties of all classes, types and sizes. We have also maintained an impeccable track record of excellent service, cost effectiveness, and high customer satisfaction. We thank our existing clients for your generous support and look forward to many… Read More »Welcome to Lender’s Foreclosure Services

    New Law Amends Foreclosure Requirements Effective 2025

      Effective January 1, 2025, a new law (AB 2424) amends existing California foreclosure laws (Civil Code Sections 2923.5, 2923.55, and 2924f) and adds a new Section 2932.2 to enhance consumer protections during the non-judicial foreclosure process.  The new law applies to residential properties with no more than four dwelling units regardless of occupancy by either owner or tenants. Key Provisions The bill mandates that mortgagees, beneficiaries, or their agents allow… Read More »New Law Amends Foreclosure Requirements Effective 2025

      Post Auction Bidding for 1-4 Unit Residential Properties

        Residential properties consisting of one to four units may be subject to bidding after the conclusion of Trustee’s Sale pursuant to California Civil Code § 2924m.  Visit our Post-Auction Bidding page for information on properties currently available for bidding, the procedures, and requirements for submitting a bid as an “eligible tenant buyer” or  an “eligible bidder” as defined by the Civil Code.